One of my goals for 2018 is to book 3-5 people / matching pet fashion shows across the country.

As a pet couturier, I design for some of the most stylish diva dogs. Designing a coordinating human line is my way of giving back. Our charitable partner: Project Happiness. It’s a perfect fit. What brings more happiness to people in our complex modern world than the antics of today’s darling dogs, cats and piglets?
People love sharing their pet’s lives on social media. It’s become a national frenzy, a 21st century phenomena. These dogs, cats and piglets have celebrity-level followings. How cool would it be to create a live event where pet influencers and aspiring pet influencers could strut their stuff? I have done just that, a traveling people / matching pet fashion event. The human collection is not for sale. It’s a creative venture I design for the stage. Fashion to me is an art form. I love creating it in that vein. Selling it turns it into a business and the artistry gets displaced.
Years ago as a very young woman I designed on Seventh Avenue first for Albert Nipon and then for Christian Dior. I left the field when I got work as an actress, and that lead me to my true passion — writing. I returned to my fashion roots after rescuing my two dogs and seeing the state of our shelter system. Too many dogs were being euthanized just because people didn’t know they existed. I set out to use my unique skillset to make a difference. I designed a small collection of tees and hoodies, gathered a few pro photographers and headed into the shelters to take inspired adoption photos. As the world changed and more people became aware of the rescue story, I moved onto not only promoting rescues, but to connecting people to other people through the happiness pets inspire.
Each show involves both a dog and a human model search, which would be run through social media. We would also use the local morning news shows prior to each event to promote the event and the cause. I love the idea of dogs guiding people to a more positive existence.